DS/A interviewing notes from Joshua Goller's post
Even though you might have your issues with whiteboard/ds-algo interviews, they are inevitable.
The only way out is through the belly of the beast, so cry havoc and let slip the dogs of whiteboard.
is distinct from being a good engineer
is learnable – no one starts off being amazing
requires special knowledge – you will fail most interviews if you haven’t learned the material sufficiently
required practice – several months typically
will be uncomfortable – confront discomfort head on
Failing is a rite of passage
Interviewers typically expect you to fail – it’s just statistically likely
- Read Algorithm Design Manual
- Watch lectures
- 130 leetcode problems (mostly medium), 5-10 programming contests, handful of random problems
Usually takes 2-3 months
- Leverage mocks to combat stage fright
- Set a timer when solving problems – 45 minutes
- Practice until you’re able to solve most problems in this timeframe.
- Try coding contests that have a multi-hour window to solve 3-4
- helps prioritisation and working under pressure
Programming Language
Choose most comfortable.
- Review other people’s solutions in chosen language
- Great way to learn tricks / features
- Get comfortable with collections if using Python
- Be comfortable with stdlib efficiencies
- Check for common interview questions in language
Scheduling interviews
Start with company you’d say no to, end with company you’d say yes to
- Will help to have competing offers in hand
Once you’re negotiating salaries, if you’ve been accepted, they’ve already spent a lot of money on you, and it will take a lot of money to find someone else. So ask for a little bit more.
Super Heuristic
State the problem
- What am I solving exactly?
- Input, Output
- Constraints?
- Expected performance
Understand the problem
- Play with the problem
- Draw a picture
- Cases
- Null/Empty
- Boiled down to common problem type
- Obvious data structure or algorithm
- Linked Lists: Do I need to dereference current item to get to the next one
- Array with two pointers / sliding window: is having two indexes or a region of input helpful
- Stack: LIFO?
- Queue: FIFO?
- Trees: Parent/child relationship? Can I exclude have of the input at each step?
- Graphs: Nodes? Edges? Directed? Cyclic? Weighted?
- Backtracking - Show I try every possible answer?
- Dynamic: Are bigger cases a combination of smaller cases?
- Find minimum no of ways
- Find longest of many
- Recursion: Base case?
- Math: Is there a simple equation?
- Sorting: Does ordering simplify problem?
- Binary: Can binary operations simplify state mutation?
Plan your approach
- Plain language list of steps
- Talk about performance
- Try a few normal cases with plain language procedure
- Consider common edge cases
- Ask if you’ve missed an edge case
- How could your approach fail
- Data structure
- is huge: 10^9 nodes, elements etc
- has identical elements
- Can’t fit memory
- has a single element, node, possible value
- is empty
- Linked Lists: contain a cycle
- Collections
- heterogenous types
- methods are called a lot
- invalid index
- Trees:
- full
- lopsided
- Graphs:
- cycles
- disjoint
- all weights are 0, huge, negative
- Backtrack:
- No solution exists
- Correct solution will be first/last tried
- Recursion:
- Exceeds max depth
- Base case never math
- Math: Division by zero?
- Sorting: Already sorted?
- Binary: Every bit is set/unset
Execute your approach
- Check with interviewer
- Start with ugly-but-working code
- Remove unnecessary parts
- Stub and compose
- comments
- write tests
- then implement
- make small functions, and invoke inside main
- enables quick assertions
- Structured logging
- Have a format ready
- Identify a library that will do this
- Use a debugger
Review your answer
- Ask aloud
- How could approach be improved
- Edge cases
- Performance double-check
- Are you reinventing the wheel?
- Ask aloud
import logging
FORMAT = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)10s() ] %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.WARN)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def some_test_function():
logger.warning("This is a test message")
will output:
[test.py:8 - some_test_function() ] This is a test message
Misc advice:
- Politely ask to get straight to the question after 5 minutes
- Be prepared for followup questions
- Get a feel for this with interviewers
- Treat interviews like someone you’re tutoring
- Say meaningful things – better to be quiet than make noise
- Stub out boring parts with a